Before you call a church a “home,” we believe there are some questions you deserve to have answered. We offer Membership 101, our new members class, to do just that! You can find the basics here, but you’ll definitely want to join is at Membership 101 if you are considering becoming a member at New Bridge Church.
The Basics
What is Membership 101?
Membership 101 is a tour of life and membership here at New Bridge. In it, we will cover what we believe, our mission and vision, as well as expectations of our members. Simply coming to Membership 101 does not make you a member. On the contrary, at the end of Membership 101, we ask those in attendance to make a covenant commitment to the mission and vision and to other members. We, in turn, make a covenant to shepherd and care for you.
The Membership Covenant
We will walk together in Christian love.
We will encourage, pray for, and counsel one another.
We will assemble faithfully for public worship; we will study the Bible and pray in our homes privately and with our families.
We will endeavor to bring up those under our care in the instruction of the Lord.
We will share one another’s joys, and bear one another’s burdens and sorrows.
We will oppose, and refrain from, all conduct which compromises the Christian lifestyle, and we will uphold the high standards of biblical morality.
We will prove the reality of our conversion by living godly, fruitful lives.
We will maintain a faithful ministry of worship, witness, discipleship, fellowship, and service.
We will support the church ordinances, discipline, and doctrines. ​
We will be faithful stewards of our resources and abilities in sharing the gospel with people in our community and with people of all nations.
We will unite with a Bible-believing church when we move from this community, and we will do so as soon as possible.