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Our Mission

Reaching upward, reaching outward and growing together as fully-surrendered followers of Christ.​


Our Vision

Helping people to really know Jesus Christ ... by connecting, growing and serving.


Our Belief

Great question ... one that is sometimes hard to capture in mere words. We strive to be a faith family that connects with God and each other, as we learn to grow together and serve others out of love.


We are a safe place to come and "do life," to ask questions about faith, to make mistakes, realizing that we do not know everything. We are not trying to “do church” or be “religious”; we want to know God better through His Son Jesus Christ and His plan for our individual lives.


We don’t have all the answers, but we do know Him. We don’t have all truth, but we do seek Him. The Bible promises us that as followers of Christ we all have the things we need to do life well. Come hang out with us some Sunday morning, we won’t put you on the spot or ask anything of you. What we will do is give you a fresh cup of coffee, a donut and a smile.


You work out your faith journey on your terms and we will help in any way possible. If you have any questions, please contact our pastors or the church office. 

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